Public Notices

8 years ago

The following are summarizations of current Board Policies for each topic listed. Please see Board Policy Manual located in each principal’s office, school library, public library and on online at for a complete reading of each policy. 

As a parent of a student in the Brookville Area School District, under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, you have a right to know the professional qualifications of the teachers who instruct your child. Written notice will be provided to parents of students being taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified. 

Policy 203.1 The purpose of this policy shall be to safeguard the health and well being of students while protecting the rights of the individual. The superintendent or designee shall be responsible for handling and releasing all information concerning infected students. All district employees shall strive to maintain a respectful school climate and to prohibit physical or verbal harassment of any individual or group, including infected students. All employees shall be required to consistently follow infection control/universal precautions in all settings and at all times, including playgrounds and school buses. Employees shall notify the building principal and school nurse of all incidents of exposure to bodily fluids and when a student’s health condition or behavior presents a reasonable risk of transmitting an infection. Building administrators shall notify students, parents/guardians and employees about current Board policies concerning HIV infection and shall provide reasonable opportunities to discuss the policy and related concerns. 

Policy 138 The School District provides a program for students whose dominant language is not English for the purpose of facilitating the student’s achievement of English proficiency and the academic standards. The Home Language Survey shall be completed for every student in the District to screen for students requiring support from this program. 

NCLB: Prayer
Policy 235.1 The Brookville Area School District has no policy that prevents or otherwise denies the participation in constitutionally protected prayer in public elementary and secondary schools as set forth in the February 23, 2003, USDE guidance. 

Policy 807 Teachers will lead their classes in a voluntary recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and/or National Anthem each day. Afterwards, students will remain standing in silence for a period of time. Students are free to utilize this period of time for prayer or meditation and students shall not be allowed to interfere with or disrupt their classmates during this time period. 

Policy 251 Homeless students are defined as individuals lacking a fixed, regular and nighttime residence including among others, those sharing housing of other persons due to loss of housing or economic hardship and those living in motels or camping grounds. The Board may waive policies that create barriers to enrollment of homeless students based on the recommendation of the Superintendent. 

Policy 142 Appropriate services will be provided to migrant students. Migrant students shall have appropriate educational opportunities to meet the same academic standards required of all students. Parents of migrant students will be provided an opportunity for meaningful participation in the program. 

Policy 918 The Board recognizes that parent involvement contributes to the achievement of academic standards by students participating in Title I programs. The Board views the education of students as a cooperative effort among the school, parents and community. An annual meeting of parents of participating Title I students shall be held to explain the goals and purposes of the Title I program. Parents shall be given the opportunity to participate in the design, development, operation and evaluation of the program. Parents shall be encouraged to participate in planning activities, to offer suggestions, and to ask questions regarding policies and programs. Each school in the district receiving Title I funds shall jointly develop with parents of students served in the program a School-Parent Compact outlining the manner in which parents, school staff and students share responsibility for improved student achievement in meeting academic standards. 

Policy 105.1 You have the right to inspect, upon request, any instructional material used as part of your child’s educational curriculum. Instructional materials do not include tests or academic assessments. If you would like to review any instructional material, contact your child’s principal. If you are not provided access to the requested material within one week of the date of request, contact the district superintendent. 

CHIP provides health insurance for uninsured students, subject to eligibility. To obtain an application, contact the school principal. 

Policy 235 All surveys and instruments used to collect information from students shall relate to the district’s educational objectives. Surveys conducted by outside agencies, organizations, and individuals shall be approved by the board, based on the superintendent’s recommendation, prior to administration to students. Parents shall have the right, upon request, to inspect and opt their children out of any survey, evaluation or assessment materials created by a third party prior to administration or distribution to students. Such requests shall be submitted to the principal in writing. Personal information about students shall not be collected for disclosure to third parties for the purpose of marketing or selling. Personal information is defined as individually identifiable information including student and parent(s) names, addresses, telephone numbers, and social security numbers. This does not apply to the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for the exclusive purpose of developing, evaluating, or providing educational products or services for or to students or educational institutions such as: Colleges or other post-secondary recruitment or military recruitment. Book clubs, magazines, and programs providing access to low-cost literary products. Curriculum and instructional materials used by elementary and secondary schools. Tests and assessments to provide cognitive, evaluative, diagnostic, clinical, aptitude, or achievement information about students and subsequent analyses and public release of the aggregate data from the tests and assessments. Sale by students of products or services to raise funds for school related or education related activities. Student pictures, class rings, graduation paraphernalia, etc… 

PPRA affords parents and students who are 18 or emancipated minors (“eligible students”) certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. The entire procedure can be found in the building principal’s office. Parents/eligible students who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-4605 

The Department of Education requires Pennsylvania school districts chosen to participate in the NAEP to administer the test. Although the district cannot opt out, individual parents have the right to opt their children out of the test. Although it is recommended that all students participate, parents wanting to review the NAEP to consider opting their children out of participation should contact the Superintendent in writing. 

Policy 250 The School District is required to disclose the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of secondary students to military recruiters and institutions of higher education upon request, unless the student or parent requests that such information is not released without prior written parental consent. Parents have the right to opt out of the public, nonconsensual disclosure of such information. If you wish to elect the opt-out option, submit a written request to the Superintendent of Schools prior to October 1 of each school year. (Forms can be found on the website under the parent tab.)

Video Surveillance will occur on school buses and in and around school buildings. The video recordings may be used for investigative and disciplinary purposes. 

Administrative Procedure #716 Prior to any pesticide application either in a school building or on school grounds the school shall: · Post the pest control sign in an area of common access where individuals are likely to view the sign at least three days before and two days after each planned treatment. · Provide a copy of the pest control information sheet (hardcopy or email) to every individual working in the school building at least three days before treatment. · Provide notice (including name, address and phone number of the applicator providing the treatment) to the parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school at least 3 days before each planned treatment. The notice is to be provided to all parents or guardians utilizing normal school communications or to a list of interested parents or guardians who, at the beginning of each school year, or upon the child’s enrollment, requested notification of individual applications of pesticides. · Prohibit applications of pesticides within a school building or on school grounds where students are expected to be present within seven hours following the application, except where pests pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of students or employees. In this case, the school may authorize an emergency pesticide application, and then notify by telephone any parent or guardian who has requested such notification. · Maintain detailed records of all chemical pest control treatments for at least three years. This can be provided by the pesticide applicator if included in the Request for Proposal (RFP). 

Policy #216 Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Subtitle A, Part 99, parents/guardians and eligible students have the right to: (a) Inspect and review the student education records; (b) Seek amendment of the student education records that are believed to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of privacy rights; (c) Consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information, except to the extent that the Act and 99.31 authorizes disclosure without consent; (d) File with the Department a complaint under 99.63 and 99.64 concerning alleged failures by the School District to comply with the requirements of the Act; and Refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the categories of directory information. To review the education records referenced herein, contact the school principal. To request an amendment after review of the records, submit a request in writing to the school principal. Disclosure of educational records including personally identifiable information may be made without parental consent to school officials having a legitimate educational interest. A school official is a person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel; school board members, a person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist; or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. Educational records refer to any information or data recorded in any medium, including but not limited to handwriting, print, tapes, film, microfilm, microfiche, or other electronic means and maintained by the school district. Educational records may reference regular, remedial, or special education. Records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel and educational personnel ancillary, thereto, are not included in the definition of educational records. Legitimate educational interest refers to access to educational records by professional personnel in order to enable them to guide and counsel students and their parents regarding educational development and occupational possibilities and disseminate information to assist student transition to higher education and employment. Directory information may be disclosed without written consent of the parent/guardian or eligible students. Directory information refers to the student’s name, address, e-mail address, photograph, telephone listing, date and place of birth; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; dates of attendance; degrees and awards received; the most recent and previous education agency or institution attended by the student; and other similar information. Educational records are forwarded to other schools that request the records and in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. Military recruiters have the same access to secondary students as provided to post-secondary institutions or prospective employers. Military recruiters are also provided students’ names, addresses, and telephone listings upon request, unless a parent has opted out of providing such information. 

All public schools in the Riverview Intermediate Unit 06 provide special education and related service to children with disabilities who are ages three through twenty-one. The purpose of this notice is to describe (1) the types of disabilities that might qualify the child for such programs and services; (2) the special education programs and related services that are available; (3) the process by which the public schools screen and evaluate such students to determine eligibility; and (4) the special rights that pertain to such children and their parents or legal guardians. (Complete notice is posted on the District website and in each school building.) 

Under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or “IDEA,” children qualify for special education and related services if they have one or more of the following disabilities and, as a result, need such services: (1) mental retardation; (2) deaf/hearing impairments, including deafness; (3) speech or language impairments; (4) blind/visual impairments, including blindness; (5) emotional disturbance; (6) orthopedic impairments, or physical disabilities; (7) autism, including pervasive developmental disorders; (8) traumatic brain injury, or neurological impairment; (9) other health impairment; and (10) specific learning disabilities. Children age three through the age of admission to first grade are also eligible if they have developmental delays and, as a result, need special education and related services. Children with more than one of the foregoing disabilities could qualify for special education and related services as having multiple disabilities. 

Educational institutions may not discriminate against individuals or groups because of age, race, color, national origin, sex, religion, marital status, non-relevant handicaps or disabilities, Vietnam-era veterans, or any other protected class of individuals as per federal government directive/law. No person shall on the basis of the foregoing be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefit of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational programs, activity, or employment. The Educational institution’s commitment to non-discrimination extends to students, employees, prospective employees and the community in accordance with state and federal laws including Title IX and Section 503 and 504 (Chapter 15 PA) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 

Additional information regarding special education services can be found on the Brookville Area School District’s website at and school bulletin boards. Parents may also call the Brookville Area School Psychologist’s Office 849-8372 x2298 for additional information. 

To provide pertinent information regarding the academic performance of the district and its schools, the Board shall annually develop and publicly disseminate a district report card and report cards for the individual schools, in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations. District and school report cards are made available to the public through posting in all school buildings, posting on the Internet, distribution to the media and distribution to public agencies. 

Policy 808.1 The Brookville Area School District participates in the National School Lunch Program and the National School Breakfast Program. The Board shall provide free and reduced-price meals to students in accordance with the terms and conditions of these programs. Applications will be provided on the first day of school, upon enrollment, whenever there is a change in eligibility criteria or at the parent’s/guardian’s request.

Right-to-Know Requests

5 months ago

Administrative Procedure #801-1
Right to Know Information

Open Records Officer:

Maggie Conti
Brookville Area School District
P.O. Box 479
Brookville, PA  15825
PH: (814) 849-1100
FAX: (814) 849-6842

Requests will be accepted on the Standard Right-to-Know Request Form via e-mail, U.S. mail, fax, and in-person.

**Public bodies may fill anonymous verbal or written requests.  If the requester wishes to pursue the relief and remedies provided for in this Act, the request must be in writing.  (Section 702)

Appeal Process:

When a request is denied or deemed denied, whether in whole or in part, the requester may file an appeal with the Office of Open Records, where it will be assigned an appeals officer.  This appeal must be filed within 15 business days of the denial or deemed denial.  The appeal must state the grounds upon which the requester asserts that the record is public and should address any grounds stated by the agency for delaying or denying the request.  The appeal shall be sent to:

The Commonwealth Office of Open Records
333 Market St., 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17101-2234
PH: (717) 346-9903
FAX: (717) 425-5343

A person other than the agency or requester, with a direct interest in the record that is subject to an appeal, has 15 days following actual knowledge of the appeal, but no later than the date the appeals officer issues an order, to file a written request to provide information or to appear before the appeals officer in support of the requester's or the agency's position in the appeal.  The appeals officer may, but needs not, grant the request.

For additional information on appeals, it is suggested that the requester review the website of the Office of Open Records.

Senior Citizen Pass

2 years ago

Application for Senior Citizen Pass

Senior citizens who are 65 or older AND who reside within the school district qualify for a free pass to school-sponsored functions, from athletics to the musical. Passes can be obtained in-person by stopping at the Administrative Office. Or, the application can be printed from this web page and mailed to:

Superintendent’s Office
Brookville Area School District
PO Box 479
Brookville, PA 15825

Your pass will be returned by mail. Should you lose or damage your pass, simply contact the superintendent's office for a duplicate. For additional information, please call (814) 849-1100.

SchoolMessenger for BASD Businesses/Organizations

4 years ago

Businesses/Organizations directly impacted by Brookville Area School District closings and delays may request to be added to the SchoolMessenger system to receive notifications.  Representatives from those businesses/organizations should make their requests using the form below.