Board Evaluates Superintendent
June 20, 2024
The Brookville Area School Board conducted its annual formal evaluation of Dr. Erich May this month and met in Executive Session on June 17, 2024, to review and discuss the outcome. The Board uses an evaluation rubric provided by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association.
Dr. May earned distinguished or proficient ratings in a majority of the Objective Performance Standards: Student Growth and Achievement, Organizational Leadership, District Operations and Financial Management, Communication and Community Relations, Human Resource Management, and Professionalism. The Board discussed with Dr. May areas where they believe improvements can be made.

As part of their annual evaluation, the board also monitored the status of the goals set by the superintendent. Dr. May’s annual goals for 2023-2024 were as follows: report on academic achievement and efforts to improve those results; lead induction program for new teachers, mentor new administrators, and organize districtwide inservice days; obtain permits for the turf and track project; and analyze current staffing levels and make recommendations as to the feasibility of reducing the workforce.