Host Families Wanted
Brookville Area School District does not have a foreign exchange student this fall, so districtleaders are encouraging local families to consider hosting an international student.
“It’s a great way to add some diversity to our schools and community,” said SuperintendentErich May. Dr. May added, “Exchange students add something special to our schools, but theyalso create a great experience for host families.”
Study abroad programs bring people together, increase cultural understanding, and promote afriendlier world. Families who would consider hosting an exchange student can work withvarious agencies, including the Pan Atlantic Foundation.
In fact, Pan Atlantic has a representative right here in Jefferson County. Mrs. Beth Weiland, ofCorsica, is currently hosting a student from Thailand. She would be happy to answer questionsfor potential host families, and she can be reached at
Pan Atlantic does offer full year placements, but they are currently looking to place students forthe second semester, starting in January. This five month commitment includes room andboard, but natural families send spending cash, and the agency provides health insurance forstudents. Host families just need to set an extra place at the table.
Pan Atlantic students all speak English, although improving their skill with the language is oneof the goals of the program. Students from Korea, Spain, Italy and Germany are looking forhomes for January. For more info, call Mrs. Weiland or visit