Occupational Assessment Tax Information
Occupational taxes are being collected by Berkheimer for the Brookville Area School District. The tax is levied at three levels ($50 for laborers, $85 for skilled labor, and $105 for professional/managerial). There are example occupations for each level listed on the reverse side of the CHANGE form that is included with your tax bill. If you need to adjust your assessment to another level, fill out the CHANGE form listing your adjusted occupation and mail the following three items to HAB-MISC, PO Box 25144, Lehigh Valley, PA 18002:
1) the signed CHANGE form certifying your assessment adjustment,
2) the stub from your original bill noting your revised amount, and
3) your payment of the adjusted amount due to Berkheimer.
A copy of the CHANGE form is available by clicking HERE.
If you receive a bill and as of July 1, you were retired, unemployed, a homemaker, active US military, clergy, full-time student or have moved out of Brookville Area School District, you may be EXEMPT from the tax. If you fall into one of these categories, you need to apply for an EXEMPTION by completing the EXEMPTION form and returning it to the school district by October 31. The EXEMPTION form is available online by clicking HERE. The form is also available at the District’s Administrative Office located at 104 Jenks St., Brookville or by calling 814-849-1136.
If you have any questions regarding occupational taxes, please call the Brookville Area School District Business Office at 814-849-1136.