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Assessment Matrix

Assessment Local or StateAdministration TimeTimes Per YearParents Informed Opt Out K123456789101112
PSSA ELAState4 Sections=208-259 min1x  x   xxxxxx    
PSSA MathState3 Sections= 148 min1x  x   xxxxxx    
PSSA ScienceState2 Sections=98-112 min1x  x    x   x    
Keystone LiteratureState2 Modules=170 min1x  x          x  
Keystone AlgebraState2 Modules=166 min1x  x         x   
Keystone BiologyState2 Modules= 164 min1x  x         x   
DIBELS/DAZEState (KTO)/localTimed (2 - 10 min)3x   xxxx         
GRADE State (KTO)/localUntimed (60-90 min)3x x xxxxxxxxxxxxx
OLSATlocalUntimed (40 min)1  x   x          
CDT ELAlocalUntimed (45-90 min)2 xx        xxxxx 
CDT MathlocalUntimed (45-90 min)2 xx        xxxxx 
CDT SciencelocalUntimed (45-90 min)2 xx       xxxxxx 
CDT WritinglocalUntimed (45-90 min)3 xx        xxxxx 
SRIlocalUntimed (15-18 min)3 during libraryx x    xxxxxx    
NWEAlocalUntimed (120 min)3x x xxxxxxx      
PSATlocal/StateUntimed (120-180 min)1x x           xx 

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Brookville Area School District

Administration/Business Offices

P.O. Box 479


(814) 849-1133
The Brookville Area School District, an equal opportunity employer, will not discriminate in employment, educational programs, or activities, based on race, age, creed, religion, gender, color, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, handicap/disability, genetic information or military service. This policy of non-discrimination extends to all other legally protected classifications. Publication of this policy is in accordance with state and federal laws including Title VI, Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972, and Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For information regarding civil rights, grievance procedures, or information on activities and facilities that are accessible to and useable by handicapped persons, contact: Compliance Officer Brookville Area School District P.O. Box 479 104 Jenks Street Brookville, PA 15825 (814) 849-1100 In accordance with Americans With Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations will be provided.
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